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Our Advisors


Prof Paul Townsend

University of Manchester (UK)

After a doctorate at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London, Paul undertook post-doctoral research at Imperial College London, Southampton and University College, London with associated research spells in Michigan and Frankfurt. He has helped leading a transformational change in an applied research focus and activity in Manchester, engendering a culture of multiple stakeholders including the NHS, academics, industry, innovative funding agencies, the public and patients. One key output during his time in Manchester is an enhancement of the biomedical industrial and basic research partnerships portfolio which has helped generate successful MRC and SBRI/ NIHR funding programs. Moreover, applied-industrial research impact and income has moved from an FEC deficit to one which is pragmatic and cost effective for the faculty. Prof Townsend holds Professorship position in the UK, Greece and Singapore. He also has an important industrial experience either as founder or advisor of many companies.


Dr Ravina Kullar

Gilead (USA)

Dr Kullar is a global expert in infectious diseases and has published over 30 research papers in the field. Her interests also lie in finding solutions to antibiotic resistance, she has worked for major global pharmaceutical companies and is highly experienced in clinical research. Ravina is a renown keynote speaker in the biomedical research conferences circuit. She is a Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and recognized as a Global Infectious Diseases Leader by the United Nations. Dr Kullar has professorship from the Oregon State University and holds faculty position in UCLA.

A/Prof Wang Cheng-I

Agency for Science, Technology And Research (Singapore)

A/Prof Wang received his PhD in Chemistry from Washington University and postdoctoral training in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco. His research has been focusing on designing novel functions into protein and antibody molecules using a combination of structure-based rational design and combinatorial approaches. Cheng-I then worked in the field of drug discovery in several biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies in the US. In 2009, he joined the Singapore Agency for Science, Technology And Research as the head of the human monoclonal antibody technology platform. Besides his strong publication track, Cheng-I is inventor of many novel antibodies patents, some of them which have been successfully licensed out to pharmaceutical companies. A/Prof Wang holds professorship at the Singapore Nanyang Technology University.


Dr Alain Huynh

eDoctor (Vietnam)

Dr Alain Huynh obtained his B.Eng in Materials Engineering, Singapore Nanyang Technological University and subsequently PhD in Singapore Center for Environmental Life Science and Engineering where he focused on understanding microbial biofilms, followed by a postdoctoral research project. Back to Vietnam, Alain co-founded eDoctor, a mobile platform for digital healthcare and on-demand healthcare services with nationwide operation. By leading the business development of eDoctor, Alain has extensive networks to the local medical community as well as international venture fund, big pharmaceutical and medical technology corporations. He is currently engaged in various projects to enhance the digital health landscape in the country by connecting many stakeholders in the industry altogether with the strong support of local medical community.

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